Week 13 - Reflection

Unfortunately today is the very last music technology class. I have learnt a plethora of knowledge over the semester. Going in to this semester I was very intimidated with all the technology involved within music education as it is a world I have never explored/seen. As a busy guitar tutor I have been a very old school pen and paper tutor in the past before but can happily say this class has inspired me to use more technology within my tutoring. 

I have fallen in love with the online browser software 'Soundtrap'. We learnt about Soundtrap through the semester and have explored it's amazing capabilities. In my lessons using Soundtrap I teach my students how to set up a drum loop and once they have done this I teach them how to create a bass part to record over the top just using the computers keyboard. Once we have done this I get them to either play chords or improvise over the drum/bass loop. This is just one extremely positive outcome of me applying my learning in this class.

In today's class we are having a B.O.T class. Meaning 'Back on Track'. The idea of this class is centred around educational free choice. These class's are designed to catch up on necessary work within the subject this could be weekly work/assignments/assessments. As an aspiring teacher I love the idea of this and would 100% give my students this opportunity. I remember being at school stressing out wishing I had one more day or hour to get something done but not having that opportunity to catch up. Whether you are a teacher or student it is very important to find/make the necessary time to just take a breath and catch up on necessary work.

Thanks for the amazing semester Brad and James!!! 


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