Week 4 - Falling in love with Noteflight

 Today's class was very insightful as we got to explore the creative and educational perimeters of notation softwares used in the classroom and their functionality. We covered a few softwares but I'm going to talk about the ones that were ground breaking for me and ones I can see my self using in the classroom. MuseScore and Noteflight. MuseScore is very close in ways to the industry standard Sibelius as it has very similar short cuts, functionality and can tackle anything from a lead sheet writing to composing for a whole orchestra. 

I was very impressed, but unfortunately I kept on comparing the software to Sibelius and its functionality. I would definitely use this software in the classroom for year 10 plus music when diving in to proper composition and the nuts and bolts of it. I have full confidence that a HSC student could compose a composition of band 6 level using MuseScore. For the younger students I would 100 percent use NoteFlight as it is very user friendly due to main features being presented in an obvious/easy to find way. This software is perfect for students to initially mindlessly punch notes in to the staff and see what cool sounds and combinations they can make. This process would then obviously flow in to composition and building/crafting an idea over one or multiple instruments. Below is a screenshot of me noodling on the software and a picture of the easy to use menu bar showing all the cool features/options. 

In the last legs of this lesson we learnt the importance of copyright as an educator utilising media and creating it. It is very important to not breach the copyright laws and be well informed. Here is the link to APRA AMCOS we were told to familiarise our selves with.


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