Week 2 - Recording in the classroom

Today's class got us to work in a collaborative enviroment using common technology found in the class room. We learned how to setup a mircophone and audio interface running it in to the online DAW sound trap. This is a very important process as the day will come where I have to present and teach this information to students of my own. It is so important  for practical technology components to be included in the classroom as technology is the way of the present and the future. Technology captivates and intrigues students especially when it can be extremely hands on. Who thought technology in a class room could go beyond just a screen! Mic's, interfaces and cool sounds all the way!

For our recording we switched between an SM58 a dynamic microphone and a Blue Yeti which is a condenser microphone. The SM58 is perfect for students in the class room as the mic only has a small radius around which it picks up noise meaning multiple students can be recording in a class room at once. The Blue Yeti would be better suited to recording an ensemble type project from duo too trio to small orchestra with everyone with in equal distance of the microphone for optimal recording. The recording below showcases seeing how far FX's and noise manipulation can turn my nasally voice in to a master piece in sound traps honour. Though this beat we made might not win me any music awards, it sure taught me how to apply practical technological concepts in a super fun and creative way.

This is what me and my partner made in class exploring plosive sounds with the vocal recording. We also added in some backings/beats made with soundtrap.


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