Week 12 - Canvas Time

 What was cool about today’s class was that we got to experience Canvas as a teacher not a student. Canvas is such a great learning resource and organisational tool as a studying student but it is also just as beneficial for the teacher. In class today we created our own school called ‘6pm high’. After creating this school we were taught how to use all the great features within canvas such as creating a quiz, page or discussion. We were also shown how to make the resources interactive with hyper links and videos, even going as far as interactively running noteflight through canvas. Below is the sample quiz and discussion I made on canvas: 

These holidays coming up I would love to make my own canvas for the guitar tutoring school I run. It would be a great way for me to have on hand resources and learning tools for the students and away for them to easily access them at home on their own learning device. It would also be easier for me to set homework and track progress and it would allow students to email/ask me for help if they are stuck during the week or would like more work to do through the week. 

I find it amazing how canvas is free for teachers considering it’s great learning and organisational capabilities. As an aspiring teacher I am definitely going to be learning how to use canvas through uni so I can use it to its maximum potential when I am in a classroom one day.


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