Week 1 - Soundtrap

Todays class was extremely valuable as we learnt how to navigate through the commonly used DAW/music software ‘Soundtrap’. It’s one thing to navigate through a DAW to create something musical but it's another thing to do so with such creativity that goes beyond the harmony and theory of music. We learnt how to alter music with tools such as volume/filter manipulation, slow down/speedup, reversing etc. This is incredibly important as it opens new creative pathways in the brain that theoretical/harmony knowledge can't give us. In today’s class we focused on making a loop with different layers.

I think this form of learning is integral for students learning music as they are learning the rules only to have their creativity break them in a very positive way. It makes the learning process more personal and fun for the student when they are in control of so many variable’s within the creative writing/loop making process. 

The layers I used in my loop consisted of a syncopated drum beat, SFX’s, synths and a walking bass. I really wanted to incorporate the walking bass and make it work with the electronic synth style layers. Bringing the best of jazz and EDM together.

Link to loop below:



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