Week 8 - Making beats and Remixing

After today's class I have a new found respect for DJ's and anyone in that field. I can honestly admit I used to think they would just sit back and press a button much like cruise control, but how wrong I was. James walked us through how to mash up various songs on Ableton and cool techniques we can use along the way. What I love about Ableton is the readily available educational resources they have online for learning the intricate software. Link below: https://learningmusic.ableton.com/make-beats/play-with-beats.html With the interactive software I was able to make my own beat as if I was on the software. Here is the beat I made and me getting experimental with some syncopation. Whats cool about this is that it was on a web browser and not software! Due to tech difficulties I worked with a partner in today's lesson as Ableton was not working on my laptop. My partner Julia imported and incorporated this beat I made in to a little class made remix. (Video in link below) : ...